In these times of trouble, be it globally, nationally, locally or personally, there is a serious problem that affects everyone but it is often either ignored or overlooked. It is a spiritual problem, which began in the Garden of Eden when Adam, our representative and the federal head of the human race, disobeyed God. This sin of disobedience resulted in separation from God. As Adam’s descendants, all of mankind inherited his sinful nature and consequently are liable for sin’s penalty.
According to the Scriptures, ‘Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.1 No one is righteous-not even one.2 The wages [penalty] of sin is death’.3 This penalty includes spiritual, physical and eternal death, which is separation from God for all eternity. As a consequence of our sin we are born spiritually dead, we will die physically and, if we die in our sins, unrepentant and unforgiven, we will pay sin’s penalty in Hell, which is described in the Scriptures as a place of ‘eternal punishment.4 where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.5 and the fire never goes out’.6 The penalty for sin must be paid, and our religious endeavours and good works will not suffice.
According to the Scriptures, ‘Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.1 No one is righteous-not even one.2 The wages [penalty] of sin is death’.3 This penalty includes spiritual, physical and eternal death, which is separation from God for all eternity. As a consequence of our sin we are born spiritually dead, we will die physically and, if we die in our sins, unrepentant and unforgiven, we will pay sin’s penalty in Hell, which is described in the Scriptures as a place of ‘eternal punishment.4 where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.5 and the fire never goes out’.6 The penalty for sin must be paid, and our religious endeavours and good works will not suffice.