The Testimony of an Alcoholic
Eamon O’Dwyer tells his own Story
My name is Eamon! I was an alcoholic, and for a period of several years I saw no hope for the future. My relatives, friends and neighbours believed I was a lost cause, and were convinced that I would end up on ‘Skid Row.’ The drink eventually got such a grip on my life that I ended up in the Alcoholic Unit of an Institution. However, God has been merciful to me and has completely transformed my life. I would like to tell you how this happened.
My parents were religious, and faithfully practised the family traditions that had been handed down from generation to generation. They had their ten children baptised as infants into membership of the Roman Catholic Church. My school days began at the Presentation Convent in Thurles, where the nuns educated me. I was not the best behaved boy in the class so it is not surprising that some of the teachers were not too happy with me. The nuns had the task of preparing us for our First Confession.
When I was seven years old I received my First Communion. This was always a great occasion for both the children and their parents. My parents had dressed me up in a new suit for this special event. After the communion mass we were invited to a party, which had been organised by the nuns. However, as far as I was concerned the highlight of the day was the fact that I got a lot of money, and also a number presents, from relatives and friends of our family.
My education, including religious instruction, continued when I moved from the Presentation Convent to the Christian Brothers’ Primary School. When I was twelve years old I received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This would make me a strong and perfect Christian, empower me to live a holy life and enable me to overcome temptation. Or so I was told!
My name is Eamon! I was an alcoholic, and for a period of several years I saw no hope for the future. My relatives, friends and neighbours believed I was a lost cause, and were convinced that I would end up on ‘Skid Row.’ The drink eventually got such a grip on my life that I ended up in the Alcoholic Unit of an Institution. However, God has been merciful to me and has completely transformed my life. I would like to tell you how this happened.
My parents were religious, and faithfully practised the family traditions that had been handed down from generation to generation. They had their ten children baptised as infants into membership of the Roman Catholic Church. My school days began at the Presentation Convent in Thurles, where the nuns educated me. I was not the best behaved boy in the class so it is not surprising that some of the teachers were not too happy with me. The nuns had the task of preparing us for our First Confession.
When I was seven years old I received my First Communion. This was always a great occasion for both the children and their parents. My parents had dressed me up in a new suit for this special event. After the communion mass we were invited to a party, which had been organised by the nuns. However, as far as I was concerned the highlight of the day was the fact that I got a lot of money, and also a number presents, from relatives and friends of our family.
My education, including religious instruction, continued when I moved from the Presentation Convent to the Christian Brothers’ Primary School. When I was twelve years old I received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This would make me a strong and perfect Christian, empower me to live a holy life and enable me to overcome temptation. Or so I was told!