Dick and Mary Keogh were both reared in Roman Catholic families. Like their parents, grandparent and generations of Irish people, they were depending upon the Mass, the Sacraments, Penance, the intercession of Saints and membership of the Roman Catholic Church for their salvation. They were completely unaware of the fact that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. In the mid-70’s, when both of them were in their twenties, they read for the first time what the Scriptures teach concerning the way of salvation. The Holy Spirit convicted them of their sin, brought them to repentance and enabled them to believe that Christ had died as their substitute and sin-bearer. They were Born Again. By faith they received from God the gift of eternal life.
Challenged by the fact that for over twenty years nobody had explained to them the way of salvation, they endeavoured to do what they could, as God enabled them, to reach as many people as possible with the gospel message.
In 1995 Cherith Gospel Outreach Literature Ministry began. Today Cherith Gospel Outreach Trust publications are reaching multitudes of men, women and children in various parts of the world who are living in spiritual darkness. For many of these precious needy souls it is their very first exposure to the gospel. As we look to the future, in total dependence upon God, “Let us do WHAT we can, to reach AS MANY as we can, AS SOON as we can”.
Challenged by the fact that for over twenty years nobody had explained to them the way of salvation, they endeavoured to do what they could, as God enabled them, to reach as many people as possible with the gospel message.
In 1995 Cherith Gospel Outreach Literature Ministry began. Today Cherith Gospel Outreach Trust publications are reaching multitudes of men, women and children in various parts of the world who are living in spiritual darkness. For many of these precious needy souls it is their very first exposure to the gospel. As we look to the future, in total dependence upon God, “Let us do WHAT we can, to reach AS MANY as we can, AS SOON as we can”.